Saturday, June 12, 2021

Made It

I've been chasing a 20,000-meter week since the Mississippi Senior Olympics. I finally caught one. Friday morning I went to the pool and swam


6 X 50 @ 1:30

200 large paddles 

6 X 100 @ 1:52

300 large paddles

brick kick

300 large paddles

700 25/25 free/back

total: 4,300 yards = 3,930 meters.

This took me to 20,111 for the week.

That was a good practice. It worked several fitness components. The 1,900 yard warm up hit the basic fitness, the oxidative enzymes in the cell's mitochondria. The 6 X 50 on a longish rest interval worked pure speed, the neuro-muscular fitness needed for fast swimming. The interspersed paddles sets worked sports specific strength. The 6 X 100 on a short interval worked the lactate buffering abilities. The paddles set after the brick kick worked the heart rate and the ability to recover while swimming. The 700 free/back added volume and practice at the backstroke while working the swimming muscles at a slightly different angle. This is why I can still kick Randy Beets butt in the water.

After lunch, I went out for a shuffle although my legs did not feel like it. I ran 4.16 miles which puts me very close to my 20-mile goal for the week.

I went to the gym and Pee Wee was glad to see me. I did flat bench pressed for the first time in many weeks. I pushed

10 X 45

10 X 100

10 X 120

5 X 130

4 X 135

I also did lateral raises, the triceps pushdown, and one set of the Swim Pulls as 56 X 30.

That was a solid day. I am feeling stronger and more fit in the water. On the road, however, I am just out there doing the old-man shuffle. 


But I am out there. Thank you for that, Jesus.

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