Sunday, September 8, 2019


I had a bit of a hangover at the pool from Friday's 3,500 meters followed by a 9.33 mile run. John and I met at 8:00 a.m. In the water, I swam

1,000 24:15 (2:25)
600 small paddles
2 X 50
100 medium paddles
2 X 50
100 medium paddles
2 X 50 
100 large paddles
400 small paddles
4 X 100 medium paddles
2 X 50 small paddles
total: 3,100 long course meters

I did not feel good in the water, but I did my second consecutive 3,000 plus meter day. This used to be common for me. Now, not so much. But I am coming back.

I watched football and went to Plate City. I hit the gym hard, having missed Friday. I did pull plus some leg work.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

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