Friday, September 13, 2019


That's what my colleagues have taken to calling it: Thriday. I always called in Friday, but since our Friday is everyone else's Thursday, Thriday makes sense. It's a wonderful feeling, waking up on Thursday and knowing that the weekend starts at noon. Praise God over and over for that. At the pool, I swam

2,500 1:00:48 (2:25)
5 X 100 medium paddles
100 small paddles
total: 3,100 long course meters

After work, I had to push myself out the door to shuffle in this repressive heat. I usually don't complain about it, but this year I am broken. The heat has won. I did a slow 3.12 miles.

It was bench day at Plate City. I pressed

17 X 100
3 X 125
3 X 125
3 X 125
3 X 125
3 X 125
3 X 125
3 X 125
4 X 135 paused

Then on the overhead dumbbell press, I did 

3 X 30
4 X 30
4 X 30

I also did some pec decs and some triceps pushdowns making for a three-workout day. Thank you, Jesus.

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