Monday, April 4, 2022

BBU 21

It was another strong week of training, but not one without problems. Monday started slowly. I don't remember why that was, but I only ran 1.26 miles. Of course Tyler and I lifted that morning, and then I hit the stationary for 31:00 minutes in the afternoon. Later, Tyler and I met at the pool after work for 3,200 yards. That was a strong practice which included an 850-yard swim for time.

Tuesday morning found me sleeping in since Tyler was out for the day. I did run 3.23 miles and spun 32:00 on the bicycle before Penny and I went to a Gideon's banquet in Vaiden. The banquet was enjoyable, but it meant too much eating and no swimming for the day.

I bounced back Wednesday, however, with weights in the morning, a 3.73-mile shuffle, and 1,900 yards with Tyler in the pool. We tapped early because both of us were feeling some issues with our shoulders.

Thursday we did legs at Plate City. I hit it hard and was way stronger than last week. Despite the leg work, I still managed 2.82 miles of roadwork, 12:00 minutes of bike work, and 1,700 yards of swimming work. The swimming was not good. My shoulder was jacked up. I mostly did slow backstroke and some breast stroking. 

Friday I did more than train. We lifted and then I did some mowing, some other yard work, and a little moving. I did not attempt a swim, but I did shuffled for 3.17 miles.

Saturday I busted it all out with a 10.06 miler on the road. After that, I did some weights and even 27:12 on the cycle while I watched the first half of the Final Four.

Sunday Penny, Gerry Johnson, and I went to Oxford for the Diabetes Foundation of Mississippi's walk. The weather was great, the walk was nice, and we enjoyed ourselves immensely. I was surprised, shocked, pleasantly flabbergasted, and honored when I found out that they put Tyler, me, and the Crazy Man Quadrathon on the back of the shirt. Wow. Back home, I went out for 1.54 miles to keep the streak alive. Thank you, Jesus. 

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