Wednesday was another long day at work. I had to be in Moorhead at 7:30. When I made it home, Paul B was chomping at the bits to get back at them weights, so we started at 5:00. That was our first mistake. At 5:00, it is still too hot and the sun is too high. Five-thirty is not much better, but it is a little better and the sun doesn't hit us on the squat machine. We hit the legs really hard. We did a warmup set of light front squats then three sets of regular squats. After that, we did our drop set on the squat machine. This set wound up being 45 reps. Let me say that again: this set wound up being 45 reps. That was our second mistake. Forty-five reps had my legs cooked.
I already had the farmer's handle outside the fence when Paul got there. So we went to the street with the farmer's handles and the connectors on. My legs were wobbly from the start. When we got up to 144, my right knee buckled on one of the walks. It didn't hurt anything, but I took it as a warning. That's when I decied better sorry than safe, and we called the workout. If I had gone higher, I think the risk of injury was too high. So we avoided the third mistake which would have been to do a heavier farmer's carry on legs that were done from the start of the street workout.
Thus, the last two days I have only run once, lifted once, and fallen down once. Yeah, I see a problem with all of that. But today is a new day. Maybe I can make some things happen.
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