Saturday, August 26, 2023

The Day Before

I had thought I'd get up early and hit the pool maybe even before daylight. It didn't happen. Not only that but when I did go in, I didn't do a whole lot. Even though the DragonFly is Saturday, I chose to swim because I have fallen off in the water of late. If I keep falling, I'm going to hurt myself. At the pool, I did a straight swim for 2,300 yards. That wasn't a bunch, but it was my third day of water work in a row. With Saturday's swim, I will have a good week at least swimming.

After the swim, I started getting things ready for Saturday. I put my bicycle in Plate City to save me a step or two in the morning. I packed a few clothes because you get really wet doing a tri. I also fixed up a food bag. Not really a food bag, but a protein shake, and apple, and some water. I put Gatorade in the frig, and my helmut and biking shoes in the truck. It wouldn't take me long to get ready in the morning.

Penny Mary and I went to Crystal for dinner. I had the blackened red fish, a baked potato, and a Greek salad. That is one of my favorite meals there. It's filling but not too heavy. If I want heavy, I go with the chicken liver, broiled. Big food and good. After that, we went home to rest. 

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