Thursday, November 21, 2019

What Day Is It?

Huh? What day is it? Come on, tell me. 

No, it is not hump day. That is Tuesday afternoon which is one half of my work week. Yeah, eat your heart out.

Wednesday is . . . ? Really, you can't do it? Wednesday is the day I swim 100s. Thanks for paying attention. I swam

1,300 26:44 (2:01)
21 X 100 @ 1:59
800 medium paddles
300 small paddles
total: 4,500 yards = 4,295 meters

How about that? Did you notice? Well stop acting like you are reading if you are not even going to try to comprehend. I added a 100 and cut a second off the interval. Don't say I'm a sandbagger, sandbagger.

After work, I needed a nap. Yeah, eat your heart out. Then I shuffled for 4.46 miles. I was fretting at the house about where to run. Sometimes I get uninspired by the same ole same ole running routes. I thought and thought and thought and could come up with nothing. I went out the front door and headed east on Monroe still thinking and then it hit me. The river trail. Bingo! So I ran to the trail, got on it, and was immediately blessed by the beauty of this mini-wilderness that is so close to my front door. 

One little snippet of the Yazoo River Trail.

After I left the trail, I got on the gravel road at the end of Claiborne and was going to run it until I noticed the turn row on the left between town and the gravel road. I took it and ran it until I made my way to Park Avenue. It was different, and easy on my legs.

When I got home, it was time for Plate City. Earlier in the day, I had thought about doing an alley workout, but when the time came, I did not have the stuff. The stuff inside. Alley workouts are difficult. They are intense and painful. So I opted instead to just lift. It was leg day so I just did squats and leg extensions. I left off the accessory work. But at least I went out there and did some stuff.

So it was a good day. Thank you, Jesus, for it.

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