Sunday, July 9, 2023

Double Day at the City

Saturday was double day at Plate City Gym. It started with Paul B showing up at 9:23. We worked legs. We only hit three sets of squats before turning to the standard deadlift. This must be the first time in two years since I have done a standard deadlift. By standard deadlift, I mean one with a straight barbell and nothing larger than a regular forty-five on the bar. I've been doing trap bar deadlifts with wagon wheels on each side giving a shorter range of motion. We didn't hit it too hard with only two sets, a five and a four with 135 and 155. Then we took the safety squat bar outside the fence.

That's been on my mind for awhile now, going outside the fence. When Plate City was on Monroe, occasionally I would throw some equipment over the fence and do what I called an alley workout. An alley workout was usually some type of cross fit or strongman training, something I would makeup. This time, it was a walk with the safety squat bar. It was only loaded to 70 pounds. I went .1 of a mile with it. Paul took it the other direction for .15. I then took it .05 back inside the fence.

It was real. It was fun. But it wasn't real fun. I felt it in my hips, of course. But amazingly, I also felt it in my thorasic spine. I guess I should call this street work since I don't have an alley. And already my brain is exploding with ideas. 

Paul had been mentioning working on his swimming, so I suggested we hit Twin Rivers. I gave him some coaching while I managed to get in an easy 1,400 yards on top of the weights we had already done.

After some lunch, rest, and cat time, I went back out and mowed the front lawn. The back is bad, and it rained again before I could get to it. In fact, it rained so hard that I went to the City and lifted. I love Plate City in the rain. Remember, I missed Thursday and Friday, so I had double duty to do on my double lifting session. It was different because the rain was so hard it was blowing in on the edge of the gym. I moved the bench farther inside to get out of the rain and did two sets of dumbbell bench presses, some chins, one set of one-armed dubbell rows, some reverse flys, and some corator tuff stuff.

Thus it was a good day, a solid one. Two lifting session, a swim, and some yard mowing made me feel like I had been productive. Thank you, Jesus.

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