Friday, October 26, 2018

Butt Beets

Randy got slaughtered in the pool Thursday. Due to an abundance of rain, a run and a lift were out so I focused on a Beetsdown in the water. If it had been a fight, someone would have stopped it. The Butt Beets went like this:

2,150 40:50
7 X 50 @ :57
9 X 50 @ 1:00
8 X 50 @ 1:05 small paddles
200 medium paddles
total: 4,250 yards.

I could have swum more, but poor Randy, I had mercy and stopped. If his mother reads this post, she will make excuses for him. "He has to work so much." Yeah? I have TWO jobs and three cats. 

I'll keep butt Beetsing until Swim the Suck where I will administer the coup de grace. Praise be to God.

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