Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Tuesday Beetsdown

Monday I had a meeting on campus so it was like I had a regular job. It was almost 5:00 when I got home. I hate it when that happens. So I did not have time for total Beetsdown training, but I did do a Beetsdown swim. When I posted that I did that in Vicarious Butt Beets on Facebook, Randy's mom wanted to know how far I swam and said Randy probably had to work all day. Tough tittie said the kitty.

I swam

6 X 50 @ :57
8 X 50 @ 1:00
10 X 50 @ 1:05 with small paddles
total: 4,100 yards.

All of that and the water was an honest 92 degrees. I am handling the hot water better than I was. Randy Beets would cry like a little girl who just had her Barbie doll snatched out of her hand.

Trevor was out so I did no lifting. When I got home from the pool, I quickly became comfortable watching TV and petting cats and thus did no running. But this was still a Beetsdown. Praise God for victory.

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