Monday, July 25, 2022


Here I am in class writing about nothing. I left my training diary at home. Monday is the day I normally write my weekly training review. Some of my numbers are in my phone. Some of them are not. I might could write it but since we are in class and are in the In-class writing mode, I am writing about nothing.

Sometimes nothing is a pretty good topic. Luke, in that famous movie says, "Sometimes nothing nuthin' is a real cool hand." Sometimes it's the only topic you have in a writing class. This is Comp I, by the way. I am attempting to get them in shape to do some High Intensity Interval Writing later in the semester. Writing about nothing is a good way to build basic writing fitness.

Nothing is not really something without a double negative. Got that? Yeah, me neither. I just made that up and if it makes any sense, don't tell me because you will hurt my feelings. I am not smart enough to know what it means, and I don't want to be reminded of that.

So I'm about written out on nothing with nothing to say. If I had something to say, I wouldn't be writing about nothing. But I'm writing about nothing because I'm not writing about something.

Augustine would say nothing is nothing. I know, but there would be real meaning behind that statment. It sounds like a tautology, but really it is not. For instance, he said that evil does not exist. That sounds like an outrageous statement, but he was speaking philosophically. Real philosophically. What that means is that evil is not a substance because if it existed then God had to create it. Even knowing that, however, the statement that evil does not exist is hard to swallow. Since evil is so prevelant in our world, to say it does not exist seems unsatisfactory. 

But nothing might exist. Seperation from God could at least be described as nothing. In that case, nothing could be a real thing. Or, it could be like darkness. Does darkness exist? It is here, but is it a thing? I think most thoughtfull people would say that darkness is simply an absence of light and hence does not exist. But we have it nonetheless.

Then again, seperation from God could be is hell, and hell is a real thing, a real place. Sigh. Writing about nothing has put a blister on my brain. I think I will stop writing on nothing because that is really something.

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