Thursday, April 16, 2020


All three again. At the pool, I swam

12 X 100 @ 1:53
550 medium paddles 10:11
200 back 4:47
total: 4,250 yards = 3,884 meters

Not bad. If you haven't noticed, I'm taking it easy this week. At least easier. I guess you could call this a step back week, sort of like a de-load in weight training. Just guessing, if the senior Olympics meet is re-scheduled, it will be in September. That is when I have re-set the Chicot. Same date I am sure. How do I know? What else could it be?

On the road, I shuffled 2.83 miles in tights. I haven't looked forward to the heat the way I usually do, but I am beginning to. This cold has got to go. I want to swim outdoors. I don't know what the water temps are in the pool and ponds, but my guess is 58. I don't do 50s. Heck, I don't even do 60s anymore. The number that would draw me out is 75. I just don't want to deal with anything colder than that. 

At Plate City, I pulled and worked the legs a bit. On the one-armed bent row, I did

21 X 40
15 X 50
10 X 60
  5 X 65
  5 X 65
  5 X 65

On the Swim Pull, it was

15 X 50 (a cheap carabiner I was using broke sending the attachment crashing into my legs)
11 X 52.5
10 X 55


20 X 22
16 X 28
13 X 30.5
10 X 33
  8 X 34

I also did some squats to round out my weight session. Plate City is popping, and I have plans for it for the future. The world's best backyard gym is going to be even better. At this time, I am not free to divulge what I have in mind, but stay tuned to this channel and I will tell you in good time.

It was a solid day of work and workouts. Thank you, Jesus.

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