Sunday, April 26, 2020

Slim Saturday

Friday's massive training was followed by a slim Saturday, in part by design in part by necessity. At the beginning of the week, I had certain training goals and I determined not to exceed those. With both Chicot and the Senior Olympics being postponed, I am in the strange position of not knowing how much to train. So I am sort of in a holding pattern. With the running, I just want to stay healthy and the memory of the knee flareup is still fresh. With the swimming, I can peak for Chicot or the pool meet in three weeks, or at least I think I can. So I am trying to stay in shape and work on small things. My swim goal for this week was 21,000 meters. I only needed a 1,000 meters Saturday to make that so that is what I did.

3 X 50 r 1:00
 1 - 43
 2 - 39
 3 - 38
200 back
total: 1,600 yards = 1,462 meters

Notice the 50s. Those might not be good times, but for me they are OK. Last year while peaking for the SO, the fastest pool time I swam for 50 was 39. Of course this is pushing off the wall instead of a dive start and this is self timed which takes about two seconds. Also, I am swimming alone which is much slower than racing someone. But still, Saturday I tied my and beat my best from a year ago when I was working the sprints every single pool practice. And this happened the day after that Density bench press training. I'm not swimming the 50 this year, but a faster 50 means a faster 100, which I am swimming.

I did not run. That was by choice. I had a goal of 21 miles, had made that Friday, and I know that running six days a week is a bit risky. So I marked my daily shuffle off the agenda.

I did not lift. That was not by design. I had two appointments to show the land and that took up the rest of the afternoon. I hate to miss my workout, but life happens and this needed to be done. I could have risen early in the morning and gotten it all done. But sometimes sleeping in is a good thing. I get pretty irritable when I become overly fatigued. My wife doesn't deserve that.

Thank you, Jesus, for a good day.

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