Thursday, March 28, 2019

Back to One

I think I'm through purchasing. Weights. Machines. Maybe.

I've been saying that for a long time. I need to stop primarily because it knocks me out of a workout every time I do. Like Wednesday.

I bought a hack squat machine. A real one. A good one. A real good one.
I had to travel to Woodland, Mississippi. At least now I know there is a Woodland. Did you? Not only did I purchase a really nice machine, but 488 pounds of weights came with it: four one-hundred pound plates and two forty-four pounders. Wow. I have never had 100s before and I really don't need plates that big. In fact, I had quite an ordeal unloading those things. Just to move on a little is a real feat for me.

Pictures? Tomorrow. I'll snap some this afternoon and post Friday. Yesterday I was so intent on getting the plates and the machine unloaded and then getting to the pool that I didn't even think about pictures. 

The machine weighs about 300 pounds and is big. So I picked up Keith Ratliff for some muscle and decided to go in through the back gate, to open it up and back the truck through. That meant I had to put the dogs on the patio and then undo the myriad of stuff my wife has stacked, leaned, and attached to the fence and gate. It took some doing, but I got it done. Keith and I dumped the machine in the yard and the plates on the ground and then I shifted into swim mode. I need to lay some more blocks and do some more planning, but it will work.

At the pool, I was unhindered by kids. Alone. I was alone. I swam

2,700 51:55 (1:55) you can see that I was off
800 for time 13:33 (1:41) yep, I was off
500 small paddles
3 X 400 @ 7:45
 1 - 7:00 (1:44)
 2 - 7:10 (1:47)
 3 - easy 7:30 (1:50)
total: 5,200 yards = 4,752 meters.

A pretty good day it was. Thank you, Jesus.

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