Monday, January 18, 2021

1/11 - 1/17

The second full week of the new year was a good one in several categories. It was my first week of classes, and I enjoyed going back to work. It was also a good week of training. Not only that, but my brain received a new spark, one that had me lying awake at night dreaming. I will talk about the dreaming in a separate post, maybe today.

Monday I ran 4.02 miles, swam 3,107 meters, and lifted weights. Tuesday, because I am in class pretty late, I decided not to even try to swim. Swimming on Tuesday will be out the whole semester. I am wondering how many times I will have to tell John this. What do you think? I am guessing about fifteen times until I snap and yell at him. I did run 4.1 miles and lift weights so it was still a pretty solid day.

Wednesday I did not run. I don't remember why. Gerald came over and we lifted. I did get a swim in for 2,924 meters. Thursday I was back on track for all three doing 2.58 miles of roadwork, 3,701 meters of water work, and several tons of weight work.

Friday found me back in my old schedule of training and catnapping. I shuffled 3.04 miles on the road, swam 3,016 meters in the pool, and lifted big weights. All of this was before Penny and I met the Barrentines at Hilltop for supper. That was one nice day.

Saturday I went long on the road: 10.55 miles. I hope to start surpassing that at least once per week. I swam 2,147 meters, and did my big deadlift and high rack pull session at Plate City.

For the week, I

swam 14,898 meters,

lifted weights six times, and

ran 24.29 miles.

That is pretty good training right there, pretty good quadrathon training. However, I am rethinking the quadrathon enterprise. Huh? Yea, I'll talk to you about that later. Thank you, Jesus, for dreams.

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