Monday, March 1, 2021

2/22 - 2/28

I had my third straight thirty-mile week. That's the kind of training I need for the Great Geezer Run for Diabetes. Monday, I shuffled an easy 2.65 and swam 3,400. I did not lift, and I do not remember why. Tuesday, I lifted and ran 9.35. The run was an out and back on Money Road. The days are now long enough for me to do a longish run out there during the week. In a fortnight, we switch to Daylight Savings Time, and time will no longer be an issue. Yes, I sometimes run in the dark, but I don't like to be too far out Money Road when a light is needed.

Wednesday, I swam a mere 1,200 yards, ran a merer 2.68 miles, and lifted some merest weight, leg work. I used the Tank for the first time. It's a big glute buster. John was out Thursday so I skipped the pool and hit the road for 3.8 miles and the then hit the bed. Exhaustion had overtaken me from the training and the school work.

Friday I went out on a rainy day and shuffled for 11.61 miles. It was a good shuffle, but it left me without the will to do anything else. I neither swam nor lifted. Saturday I swam and lifted. The water came in for 3,300 yards. The gym saw me do both push and pull but let the legs rest.

For the week, I

swam 7,219 meters,

lifted weights three times, and 

ran 30.09 miles.

That was a pretty solid week. I hope to run more miles next week and lift more and swim more. The sled and the wheel barrel will come in for some heavy use. Thank you, Jesus. 

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