Monday, August 15, 2022

8/8 - 8/13

Finally I'm really running. Really slow. But I am out there too stuborn to quit. Last week, I got the numbers I need on the road. In the water? Well, not so much. In the gym? Well, sort of. It went like this:

Monday I went back to work, 8:30 to 4:00 Monday through Friday. All I got done Monday was a run, but it was a pretty good one: 8.14 miles.

Tuesday I swam 1,100 meters, ran 2.02 miles, and lifted weights.

Wednesday I did the leg thing at Plate City. By leg thing I mean squats plus running on the treadmill. One set plus a short run. Another set plus a short run. A third set plus, well you get the picture. I have discovered that if I train this way I don't get nearly as sore and stiff as I do if I only squat. Plus I get my run in without leaving home. And since I don't have an American Express Card, that makes good sense.

Thursday I swam 1,600 meters before work. Also, I lifted and hit a new PR on the TB deadlift with a 275 pound pull. There is more there and I will get it pretty soon. On the road, I shuffled a short 1.37 miles.

By Friday I was pretty tired and it shows when reading the training diary. I swam 1,000 before work. After work, I took a nap and then took my wife out to eat.

Saturday, I mowed grass, lifted weights, and ran 11.49 miles. 

For the week, I

swam and mere 3,700 meters,
cycled narry a revolution,
skiergged not a single second,
lifted weights four times, and
ran 25.25 miles. 

The running was pretty good. The swimming was embarrassing, but my shoulder was acting up a little. I did some lifting, but everything else was Missing in Action. Sigh. Praise God anyway.

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