Tuesday, August 23, 2022

A New PR

Monday has come and gone but the memories remain. What was so memorable? Not too much really. I went to work and worked long. Monday is my long day. I get off at 4:00. Ouch! Then I went home and took a nap. I know what you are asking and the answer is no, I did not get up and swim although I thought about it. Then I thought better of it.

After the nap, I went to Plate City. Since I am racing Saturday, I decided to work legs on Monday instead of my usual Wednesday. And while I was at it, I went ahead and maxed out. Why not? I mean a max day gives you some intensity, but the volume is really low, which lends itself to greater recovery.

I am not actually tapering for this race. This one is a train-through for me. But still, I don't want to be totally flat. So I set a PR on the squat. No, I am not answering that question. My squat numbers remain confidential, classified, and you don't qualify. Active members of Plate City Gym are privy to that and they are sworn to secrecy. But my squat PR is now three pounds heavier than it was, and for that I am happy. It feels good to grind under some weight. That is a skill. You have to do it to get better at it. 

So thank you, Jesus, for a good day. Maybe today can be more filled with quality trainiing. 

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