Sunday, August 14, 2022

Full Day

After a couple of weeks, I got my lawn mower fixed. Praise God. That meant that Saturday I got to mow my lawn with my own mower. Delicious. Plate City opened at 11:00. Vicki worked on the Hip Abductor/Adductor machine and did deadlifts for her first time ever. I did some pushing with the idea that I would pull later in the day. That time never came. Also, I mowed the lawn, or the back and then after lunch the front.

Late, around 5:30, I went out for a shuffle. I ran 11.49 miles. It was a good run, slow but good. I zigged and zagged around town while it got a little later and then crossed the bridge around 6:20. Since there is no shade on Money Road (for most of it), I ran in town until I knew the sun would not overheat me. At 5:30, the sun is still hot. At 6:00, the sun is still hot. Around 6:30, the sun is warm. At 7:00 and on, the sun is not a problem. 

Already I am enjoying the fact that the days are a little bit shorter. Looking at the weather forecasts, the nightly lows are about to start hitting 71 which is down from 74 - 80 that we have had most of the summer. That means if you run early, it is a few degrees cooler and the sun comes up a few minutes later. With a summer like we have had, even changes that small are something to be rejoiced over.

No, I did not go back to the gym. It was late, and I was tired by the time I finished my 11 miles. That, plus the gym, plus study, plus mowing the lawn equaled a full and productive day. Thank you, Jesus.

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