Wednesday, June 21, 2023

A Day, Two Days

So, what have I done since Pool Fools? Not a lot. Sunday, Penny and I went to church then to Hillbilly Heaven. Monday, I got up and went to the pool. Remember my right shoulder which caused so much pain Saturday? It was as good as fried chicken Monday morning. My left shoulder, however, was stiff, sore, and mildly painful. JSS, Janky Shoulder Syndrome. Who woulda thunk it? I swam 4 X 50 and went home.

That afternoon, after I taught my class, I went to the City. Pee Wee was a happy pup. I did my push workout, but I switched back to the bench press for the first time in months. I don't think I've done a regular bench press this year. I have emphasized the overhead press ever since I got that machine. And I supplemented that with some incline benching. But the regular bench press has been out of the roatation for maybe six months or even more.

I went light like I always do when I switch things up. I will feature the bench press for at least one training cycle, and the overhead will be an assistance exercies going forward.

That's the setup for my grammar rant. Do you notice how unneccesary the phrase "going forward" is? If you listen to sports talk radio, you would think that English no longer has a future tense. It's like they think it makes them sound smart to say "going forward." In my mind, it makes them sound stupid. I have to give Paul Finebaum credit here. He does not say it. 

This is what I teach my students and call it "tooth dentist." Don't be a tooth dentist. Unfortunately, the English language, at least as it is spoken here in America, is full of tooth dentist. Here are a few more examples: seperate out, continue on, one a daily basis. Listen to how much less wordy but just as comunicative seperate, continue, and daily are.

At the City, I did my push workout (the new variety), rode the bike erg 8:30, and shuffled 1.47 miles on the treadmill. 

Tuesday morning I was back in the po6l. This time I did 6 X 50 for a whopping 300 meters. Wow. My JSS and still acting up. I worked, then mowed the back yard and went to Plate City. There I did my pull workout, cleaned up some, petted Pee Wee, cycled 9:00 on the erg, and shuffled 1.24 miles on the treadmill. That was a decent day. Praise God for a day.

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