Sunday, June 25, 2023

That Age

Saturday was at least a slow-start day. I studied and drank coffee. Where were the cats? When my mind grew tired, I went to Plate City. I hung the new plates, and did my pull workout. To warmup, I did 10 minutes on the bike erg. 

After some rest and nutrition, I went back to the City. It was time for legs and I let them have it. Between sets on the hip machine and sets of squats, I shuffled on the treadmill. I wound up with 2.23 miles of shuffling and numerous sets of squats. Since it was so hot out there, I busted out the big fan for the first time this year.

So I had two good workouts at Plate City. Then I went in and got ready to go to the funeral home. It was David Hodges' visitation. David was a good guy. I first met him many years ago when I treated his house for termites. He told me then that the good thing about farming was you got a lot of caps. I think I told him my Boudreaux joke. Over the past few years, Penny and I saw him at Over 60s once per month. His passing came as a bit of a shock to us. We had heard he was in the hospital, but had no idea it was that serious.

One thing you notice when you get older is how many people you know that leave this world. As a young man, I thought very little of death. I guess more precisely stated, I thought of death infrequently. Now, hardly a week passes that you don't hear of someone you know "going the way of all the earth." Just this spring, I lost a cousin, Penny lost a cousin, we lost David, and we lost Mary Duggin. There was also recently Gary Moore, and if I thougt some, I could come up with more names. When will it stop? It won't. In fact, my guess is it will speed up. We are that age now.

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