Friday, June 9, 2023

Late Post

I post most everyday every morning. This post is late because our internet has been down for several days. I was going in early to work and using the WiFi there. This morning, being off work, I had no chance to post. But alas, the ATT man men have come out and fixed the broken line 400 feet up the street. Yeah, it was messed up. 

So what did I do Thursday? I went to the big pool early and swam

3,300 1:18:03
200 small paddles
100 medium paddles
100 easy
total: 3,700 long course meters

After work, I went to Ace Hardware and bought some nails and a box cutter. I am making some improvements to the City. Pee Wee is helping. I took a short run and then mowed the front lawn. 

With Pee Wee at my side, we got some things done. We cut and laid more stall matts, and I put a board up for hanging my swimming and running medals on. 

With Pee Wee's help, we got most of the floor
covered. It looks good and feels better.

At the gym, I had to cut some matts with a box cutter. Believe it or not, that worked. Maybe not really well, but my circle saw will not cut them. I had to cut like skinning a buffalo, going deeper and deeper. I would work on one a few minutes and then do something else. Over. And. Over.

I have enough nails to hang another forty 
years of medals on. I have a group of
marathon medals somewhere. They
will go up there when I find them.

While I was out there, I lifted of course. I did my push workout. So between cutting, nailing, and lifting, I was busy. It's nice to be busy when you are doing something for yourself.

Thus, I had a productive day. I feel good about what I Pee Wee and I accomplished. Plate City is not the bomb anymore. It is the double bomb. Praise God.

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