Thursday, January 20, 2022

New Route

Wednesday morning was cold like all mornings have been lately. Where are all those less-than-intelligent people who were complaining about the warm weather? Where are they because I want to start slapping some of them all of them. Have mercy, by the grace of God and a lot of clothing, I am still alive. We did light legs and heavy semi-heavy deadlifts. Nothing fancy, nothing complicated, just three sets of squats and some back extensions to get us warmed up then trap-bar deadlifts with shrugs at the top. And four minutes on the Ski Erg. Four minutes. Who's bad?

It was supposed to and did start raining in the early darkness of night. Knowing that, I went out for a short shuffle before going to the pool. I created a route. I went out Hades Road and turned onto a turnrow that runs back towards town. I followed it as far as I could go until it began to parallel town. The turn row eventually dumped back onto Hades Road and the round trip was 2.33 miles, almost all of it on gravel or dirt. Nice.

Tyler was out at the pool. I tried to recruit another real swimmer to meet me there, but that fell through. So I did what I often do when I am alone at the pool and tired: a straight swim. I know myself well enough to be certain that once I warm up and stop, I often stop. For the day. Yeah, I'm lazy like that. I went 3,100 yards in one hour and two minutes. By the way, that is good training. At least once per week I want to do a long uninterrupted swim. It is good for endurance both physical and mental. 

Not a bad day. Thank you, Jesus

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