Tuesday, January 17, 2023


MLK Day was nice if you like nothing. Well, I did a little more than nothing, but not a lot. First, I stayed in bed a long time. CC is giving me the treatment, I don't know why, so Luvie had been all over me. When she is on the bed, he knows better than to get close.

I had thought about swimming, but my JSS returned. Get this: through a careful program of stretching, strengthening, and careful progressive overload, my right shoulder has been feeling like palace. Then, Thursday I was so tired when I came home from work, that I did not lift giving my shoulder more rest. Then I did my super long run Friday so I did not swim or lift. Penny and I went out of town Saturday, so I did not swim or lift again. Man, that shoulder really got some rest. Sunday, while taking it easy in the bed, the shoulder went janky and painful on me.


How does that happen? I didn't do anything. Therein lies the answer. Our bodies were meant, designed to be used. When we don't use them, they don't get better, they get worse. I let my shoulder off too long and it want koo koo for Coa Coa Puffs on me. 

And guess what? When I went out for a run that afternoon, after about a mile, the shoudler stopped hurting. Really, I am not making this up; I am not exaggerating. My shoulder suddenly got well when I took my body off the couch and onto the road for a run. Not only that, but I was able to go the Plate City and hang out with Pee Wee between sets of bench presses. 

The lesson here. Get off you hynie keester, get out the door, and do something. You will not feel right until you do because God did not make you to sit around. Let me say that again. God did not create you for minimal effort. Move your body. Take a walk. Ride a bicycle. Work in your yard. Go to the gym, the pool, the tennis court. Do something physical every day. You can thank me later.

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