Friday, January 27, 2023

Not a Problem

Okay, I worked out with the new machine Thursday after work. I guess I should back up and first cover my morning swim. I made it to the pool. T was out for necessary reasons. I only swam 700 yards because another patron was in the pool, and he asked me a question about swimming. I'm a sucker for that. In fact, while I was getting ready to get in, I was debating in my mind whether or not to say something to this guy. Some people don't like unsolicited advice. Then he asked me the very issue I wanted to talk to him about. 

He asked about breathing while swimming freestyle. He is about the fortieth person I have seen who makes the same mistake. He tries breathing out the front, and then instinctively knows that's not right and turns the head to one side. I was in the pool with him a few days ago, and I noticed his body position was bad. Improper head placement ruins body position. Swimming is 60% body position. The other 60% is relaxing in the water. He had both problems, so he was 120% behind the eight ball.

I told him what he needed to do, and amazingly he did it. It is very common to give someone tips which they thank you for and then they go along the same old way not changing one iota. But he put his head down and breathed to the side. The change was immediate and dramatic. His legs came up, his speed came up, and his confidence came up, soared. So I fooled with him during most of my time, but I like helping people with their swimming. I wound up with only 700 yards, but I left the pool feeling none the worse for it, in fact feeling better.

After that, I had a nice day at work. I always enjoy Thursday (our Friday). My schedule is a little easier, and the weekend starts at 1:30. What's not to enjoy? So I went home, changed clothes, and was eager to get to the gym. Out there, I worked out on the, . . . uh, drum roll, please . . . the Plate Loaded Deltoid and Overhead Press Machine from Titan Fitness. There, I said it. That thing is good, yeah.

I did a sort of a crossfit kind of workout. First, I warmed up some with some treadmill running and external shoulder rotations. Then I did a series of cycles composed of the overhead press (on the new machine), the skierg, followed by a shuffle on the treadmill. I think I did four rounds, or was it five? Then I continued to press after I stopped the circuit. I did not go too heavy because I always start light on a new movement. Yes, I have been doing some overhead pressing lately, but with the machine, the angles are not exactly like free weights.

After the swim, after work, after the gym, Gerald Johnson came by and picked me up. We went to the Sportsmen's Banquet at North Greenwood Baptist Church. This was my first time going to this. There must have been 500 people there. They fed us catfish, and it was amazing that the lines went so quickly. Austin Riley, the third baseman for the Atlanta Braves was the sqecial guest. He and Jim Phillips had a question and answer session. It was good. It was real. It was fun. And yes, it was real good fun.

So I had a good day. 

Wait, wasn't yesterday your wife's birthday? 

Yes. We are celebrating that tonight. We are driving to Louisiana to eat fish. 

And you just ate fish? 

Not a problem. 

All the way to Louisiana to eat fish? 

Not a problem.

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