Sunday, January 6, 2019

Sunday Afternoon

I am in bed on Sunday afternoon where I have been all day. I, we, missed church. We have both been under the weather for a few days. In fact, Penny missed last Sunday because of illness. I started coughing a few days ago and progressively grew worse. Then yesterday I overdid things a bit. The day went like this.

I drove to the pool and swam

2,000 37:10 (1:50) 

Then I swam my drop set which I am renaming The Man Maker. It goes like this: 400, 300, 200, 100 for time all on a base of 2:00 per 100. Each time I have done the set, I have added to it and taken some time off the early reps. Saturday, it went like

400 @ 7:50 in 6:19 (1:34)
300 @ 5:54 in 4:40 (1:33)
200 @ 3:57 in 3:06 (1:33)
150 @ 3:00 in 2:19 (1:32)
100 @ 2:00 in 1:31
100 @ 2:00 in 1:32
100 @ 2:00 in 1:33
50 @ 1:00 in :44
50 @ 1:00 in :45
50 @ 1:00 in :47
total for The Man Maker = 1,500 yards all at 1:34 per 100 or faster

Then for a cool down, I swam and easy 600 with small paddles.

total practice was 4,100 yards.

Observations. I love this set; I hate this set. Sometimes you do something and you just get a feeling from it, feedback from your body. This set gives me that. The 400 - 200 are difficult. Starting with the 150 and down, it becomes a heart rate set as the lactic acid begins to build faster than my body can clear it. In short, this swim is a stamina workout. When you build stamina, you build everything. You build speed, strength, and endurance. The only problem is it's a butt kicker. 

The next time I do this one, I will take some more time off the early reps, and add another 100. There is where the real fitness is going to come, repeating those 100s after the swimming muscles are fatigued and the lactic acid is building faster than my body can clear it.

Also to be noted is the fact that everything was slower than the last time I did the practice last Saturday. And if you look at the numbers, you will notice a slow down at the end. The three 100s slowed as did the 50s. That did not surprise me nor upset me because I am sure my blood count was and still is a little out of wack due to being ill. Monday I set a PR in the 500 so I know I am fit. 

Now that I am ill and beginning school next week, I know my training will take a dive. That is OK too. I was worried a few weeks back that I might be peeking too soon the Senior Olympics. Now, I will rebuild after next week both in the pool and at Plate City. I don't really know how to train for a pool swim and the Chicot Challenge at the same time. How to taper for a pool swim a couple of weeks before the big all-day Chicot? I'll figure it out. Or maybe I won't. At least I won't get bored. 

So I did the butt kicking swim and then met Trevor at Plate City. I think that was the coup de grace. I didn't hit the weights hard because I did not feel good. When I got back inside, it was all down hill from there. I coughed all night, had fever, and felt like I was about to die. Now, at 3:20 pm, I am feeling better but far from well. Maybe I will pull through yet. Thank you, Jesus

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