Friday, January 25, 2019


Hump Day was really Hump Day for us this week because we were off Monday and we are always off Friday. A four-day schedule is nice. A three-day schedule is extra nice. At the pool, I swam

2,050 38:02
5 X 50 @ 1:09
100 agility paddles
4 X 50 @ 1:12
150 small paddles
4 X 50 @ 1:16 
200 medium paddles
total: 3,150 yards + 300 kick with fins

At Plate City, it was getting dark when Trevor showed up. Having rained all day and the humidity being as high as scientifically possible, the dreariness of the fading day draped like a wet towel over my motivation. Then I heard some honking and looked up to see geese flying high overhead. That made everything better. I worked on biceps and dead lifts.

Another good training day. Thank you, Jesus.

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