Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Introducing Chicot Challenge VIII

The basics of Chicot Challenge VIII, The Comeback, are in the video. The swim is set for June 1, the day before my 63rd birthday. The distance is 12 miles, the course running from the State Park to Ditch Bayou or visa versa starting at 8:00 am. The Chicot Challenge has since inception been in part a way I celebrate another year of life. Besides that and raising funds for the Diabetes Foundation of Mississippi, I hope to inspire others to lead a more active lifestyle. Just because you are getting older does not mean you have to be inactive. Got out today and do something.

Furthermore, make plans to support the swim. Make a tax deductible donation to the Diabetes Foundation of Mississippi. If you write a check, please put Chicot Challenge in the memo line.

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