Wednesday, April 17, 2019

The Hack Squat Machine

If a picture is worth a thousand words, what is a video worth? I thought I'd give you a shot of the gym's latest acquisition. I didn't really need this, but it's a nice, heavy-duty machine and was posted on Facebook Market Place for a decent price so I bought it. It will add variety to my leg work. I now have a squat station, a leg press machine, and a hack squat machine. The thing is, the squat is by far the best exercise. But my legs need the work, and I hope this helps keep me motivated to work them diligently. 

This machine is so heavy that the most weight I have put on it thus far is two 5.5 pound plates. Yeah, eleven pounds and my legs are maxed out. It will also convert into a leg press machine, but I plan to use it only as a hack squat because I already have my homemade leg press that I need to use. Plate City continues to grow. Too bad Randy Beets doesn't have anything like this.

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