Sunday, August 2, 2020


With big yards and big miles already in the bank, all I had planned for Saturday was big weights at Plate City. Of course I slept in. Yes, the coffee was good, the cats affectionate. I studied for Sunday. It was not until late in the morning that I went outside. I started with my pull work. On the lat pull down, I did

26 X 50
21 X 61.2
15 X 71.2
13 X 76.2
9 X 79.75

I also did reverse flys and big time leg work. I did regular squats and then set new Association of Sports Strongmen world record in the Yoke squat with a 238 pound lift. What do you think about that? Randy Beets.

I did one set of farmer's walks and was loading the implements for another when I got stung by a wasp. They live inside my handles. Poor Pee Wee got hit too.

I did some other stuff, but that pretty much covers it. It was nice not to be rushed and overly fatigued from running and swimming.

Penny and I went to Monroe and hauled a little bit of stuff. I moved the weed eater over and trimmed the backyard. Then we called it a day. It was a nice one and the weather was amazing for August the oneth. I do not ever remember it being cool on the first day of August. Although July is our hottest month, my anecdotal experience tells me that the first two weeks of August are normally the worst of all the year. The forecast for the next few days is for highs in the mid 80s. WHAT?!?!?!?! Yeah, unbelievable.

Thank you, Jesus.

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