Monday, February 1, 2021

1/25 - 1/31

The final week of January was a solid one as far as running goes. Monday I swam 3,107 meters, and ran 4.5 miles. Not only that, but I lifted pretty heavily at the gym. Tuesday was another good day running. I hit Money Road for 7.35 miles to give myself a good start on some decent numbers. The days are a bit longer now and will be more so each week; thus I plan to go farther and farther out Money Road. After the run, I hit the gym hard again. 

Wednesday I swam a mere 1,736 meters. Since it was leg day at the gym, I only shuffled 2.6 miles then I hit the squats like I was competing with Randy Beets. Thursday I swam 2,879 meters. This is when I discovered that my back stroke flags were gone. I did not run that day. I don't remember why. Maybe I was too upset over the flags. Whatever the reason, it helped me be fresh for Friday.

Friday was a real journey-run-sort-of-training day. Lolo Lubiani dropped me off at the Minter City United Methodist Church, and I ambulated home. I did not lift that day because the 23.77 miles pretty much gave me all I wanted.

Saturday, Penny and I went to Jackson. We traveled Highway 51 which is the route I plan to take if I run to Ridgeland. I shared my plans with her, and she was not adverse to the idea. Since my legs are feeling better, I am leaning that way. Maybe I have not told you what "that way" is. Later, in another post. I promise. 

For the week, I

swam 7,722 meters,

lifted weights four times, and 

ran 32.24 miles.

Thank you, Jesus, for a good week.

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