Friday, February 26, 2021

Play Toys

I played with my play toys Thursday afternoon. It was fun. It was real. It was real fun. 

Being tired from a long hard week, I did not even go to the pool. Since I already knew that John was out, I thought it would be a nice opportunity to streamline my day. Besides that, I worked late. We went virtual at MDCC last week because of the snow and ice. I did not, however, post an assignment for my Film class. I would never attempt that course online. We meet that one once per week for three hours. I asked them Tuesday to come back Thursday. They all did.

So I got off late, but when you take the pool time off, I was still early getting back home for a run. Then I went to bed and was very tempted to stay there. I was tired. By the way, I did some powerful sleeping Thursday night.

For the run, I went a little farther than I had planned at the first of the week. I had scoped out going 2.5 for each of my short days, but since it is supposed to rain all day Friday and that is my long day, I knew I would have trouble getting my miles in so I went a whopping 3.8. Then I played with the play toys.

First I pushed the sled. I added another thirty-five pound weight to the plate horn, but if that increased the resistance, I could not tell. The resistance is magnetic and the plates are added to keep the back wheels on the pavement while you push and the front wheels resists. I pushed the thing .1, turned around, and pushed back home. It hits the glutes really hard. That should be really helpful for my running. I think my glutes are basically asleep while I shuffle. When I focus on them, my stride length increases and my pace quickens. But unless I am concentrating on them, I lapse back into my old man shuffle.

After the sled, I pulled out the wheel barrel. I replaced one of the the thirty-fives with a forty-five. I pushed it the same distance I did the sled. It hits the traps most of all and that should help me on the Geezer Run because running all day with a pack on hits the traps hard.

I did not go back outside after playing with my new play toys. I was pretty much done for the day after I finished the workday, the running, and the push work. It was good. Thank you, Jesus.

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