Tuesday, February 2, 2021

New Plans

I have new plans for this year's Challenge. I think I already wrote about that. I write so much, it's hard for me to remember. I am sure that I wrote about the quadrathon, a new sport I created to stand in for this year's Chicot Challenge. What I might not have told you is that the quadrathon was plan B. Plan A was something different, and Plan A is what I now propose. 

Plan A is to run from the Hideout in Greenwood, Mississippi to the Diabetes Foundation of Mississippi's office in Ridgeland, Mississippi. A plan of this sort is always a gamble because the training load has to be high and the injury rate low. In fact, any injury at this time will derail the whole thing in a moment. I did not get injured this winter, but I was slowed a bit and that caused me to search for Plan B. But the stage run to Ridgeland is the thing that grabs my imagination and shakes it like a fiest dog shaking a squirrel.

I am back to Plan A because that's what I really want to do, and my training is starting to come around. Last week, I hit my yearly mileage high of 32 miles with one really long run/hike. In addition, Plate City Gym is a huge bonus giving me access to superb weight training, and even the logistical problems of a run this long have me excited. Speaking of the logistics, I think I have the major problems ironed out. At least I have a plan.

Right now, the plan is to leave the house on Friday afternoon on May the 7th. Why in the afternoon? The reason for that is that I might have to work that morning. If our graduation is virtual this year (at this point I don't know), I will leave in the early morning. I hope to make it to Acy's and as far down Highway 430 as possible the first day. My wife will pick me up and take me back to her dad's to spend the night. She will drop me back where she picked me up on day one.

Day two has to get me to Vaiden. I can rent a room there. For day three, the plan is to make it to West where I have a friend who has graciously agreed to house me for the night. Day four should see me in Durant where I can rent a room. And by day six, I need to make it to Pickens. At Pickens, there is no where for me to stay. So I will need someone to pick me up and take me to a motel in Canton. Day seven should take me into Clinton where I can rent the same room for another night. I should finish on the eighth day in Ridgeland. 

That is a lot of days. Maybe I can shave one or two off. If our graduation this year is virtual, I will try to make it to West on day two. Thus I will have a little wiggle room if I get overly sore and need to sleep in a day and stay off my feet. 

Well, that is the dream and the plan. If you pray, please do that. Pray for my health, my training, and my fundraising. Thank you. Thank you, Jesus.

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