Tuesday, February 16, 2021

I have been thinking for years that our climate in Mississippi is getting colder. I know springs are colder and longer than they used to be. I have always hunted, fished, and run so weather has always been something I was aware of. I have even caught the local weather falsifying data. A few years back, we had five straight record lows for July. One was 48 degrees. I was so shocked by that that I literally walked around in a daze for a couple of weeks. 

Fast forward a few years and we had a 58 degree low in July which was announced as a record low for Mississippi for the month of July. I called the station to remind them of the precious record THEY reported and I experienced. They were not nice to me. I looked up the records and now the 48 degree night never officially happened.

I'm not sure why I went into all of that. Yes I am. It was the ice and the 16 degree weather I tried to run in yesterday. Gosh, this is cold for Alaska. I did enjoy my outing. The footing was a bit difficult at times. It was best where no one had driven.

The road less traveled

Eventually I found my way to the Yazoo River Trail where I enjoyed a winter wonderland. When I tried to get up the levee to make my way home, I got half way up and slid back down. I tried again walking sideways to wedge my feet into the snow gaining maximum traction. That failed also. Literally I had to get on hands and knees and crawl up. What an experience. 

What kid doesn't like to play in the snow?

When I got back to the street we now live on, one of my neighbors was mowing his lawn. Really, you can't make this stuff up.

Best time to mow is when is snows.

I went to the pool a bit later. There I swam

1,800 35:24

850 for time 14:41

400 medium paddles 7:37

100 back 2:20

200 for time 3:20

100 back 2:27

50 breast 1:06

100 medium paddles

10 fly (yeah, I bombed)

total: 3,610 yards = 3,299 meters

I wanted to lift, but at 16 degrees and falling, with ice over all my equipment, we the fatigue of an already full day, I tapped out and went inside for good. It was real. It was fun. But it was not real fun. Thank you, Jesus, for our changing climate. I do wish, however, that we really did have global warming instead of Mississippi cooling. 

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