Monday, December 6, 2021


I didn't have the week I wanted, but it was not a bad one. Monday I swam 2,800 yards and ran 3.07 miles. Not only that, but I did my thing at the gym.

Tuesday, I did my longest straight swim in a bit going 3,050 yards in just seconds over an hour. On the road, however, I only got 1.8 miles. Yes, I did the gym thing. 

Wednesday I was in the pool again for 2,800 yards and on the road for2.52 miles. At the gym, I did deadlifts.

Thursday I did my long run of the week. It was only 9.66 miles, but it was what I had time for. Thursday was also my last meeting of my night class which will open up a little more training for me. Praise God. I did not swim. I did not even make it to the gym. Yeah, sometimes that happens.

Friday saw me back in the swing of things. I swam 2,350 yards and did something new at the gym. I ran the treadmill between sets at the gym. That was actually fun. 

Saturday was more of the same. At the pool, I went short with 1,350 yards. At the gym, I went twice. First a pull workout. Then, during the halftime of the SEC Championship game, deadlifts (plus shrugs), plus squats, plus treadmill running, plus a spin on the bicycle. That was a circuit that I repeated five times. It was good training. It was fun. 

An interesting aside. Normally, I wake up a little sore after my Saturday squats. By Sunday afternoon, the soreness is pronounced and continues into Monday. I did not expect that to be any different but to my surprise it was. I was not sore at all Sunday or Monday. Wow. I suppose the running and spinning flushed my muscles of the waste products that produce soreness. Nice surprise.

For the week, I

  swam 11,285 meters,
  ran 21.83 miles, 
  lifted weights five times, and
  spun 8:45 on the stationary bicycle.

That wasn't a bad week. I wish I had run more, but an endurance athlete is rarely satisfied. Thank you, Jesus, for good health and the opportunity to get done what I got done. It's a gift. I am grateful.

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