Thursday, December 16, 2021

Can't Go to Heaven

My new training partner went out of town for the rest of the week so guess what I did. You got it. I slept in and the rest was delicious. Still I rose about 6:30, but 6:30 is a lot more rest than 5:00. Yes, I went to Plate City early and spent the morning cleaning, and fixing up. I know, I promised pictures. I was so caught up in my work that I took none. The cable guy is supposed to come this morning so I am looking forward to more improvements.

I did light legs, which is code for deadlifts. Since I might race Saturday, I wanted the leg load to be light so I could recover and not get passed by walkers if I decided to make the trip to Grenada for the half marathon. Why not? you ask. Weather. It is supposed to rain, and the idea of thirteen miles in the rain and cold does not exactly get me juiced up to do something, anything other than hide in my bedroom and drink coffee with the cats.

At the pool, John was a no show again. I think he is mad at me. We had a yelling match Monday. He started off about how wrong it is that college football players can get paid now. I could care less and don't understand why he does. He told me that I can't go to heaven and believe it is OK for a college player to get some cash. 

He didn't.

No. He did not tell me that. He yelled it at me. John is normally a fairly intelligent guy, but when he gets an idea, facts don't matter to him. And if you challenge him, it is on. He will want me to pray for us when he does show back up at the pool. I think I will tell him no. Since I am not saved, I will not pray. 

Back to the pool without John. I swam

  1,400 27:57
  20 X 100 @ 2:23
  200 back 4:51
  4 X 25 no breath
  550 10:44
  100 easy 1:55
  total: 4,400 yards

That's good training right there. And that is two days in a row that I hit 4,000 meters. If you care about the math, I always convert to meters for my official records and there is an almost 10% percent difference. 

Back home, I went out for a little shuffle. After 4.11, I was done. Three workouts planned. Three workouts done. Life is good. Thank you, Jesus.

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