Thursday, December 2, 2021

In the Doghouse Again

She's doing it to me again. CC. I'm getting the treatment. I started to say that I didn't know why, but I know. Baby Kitty and Luvie have been needy of late and she does not like that. What else is new?

I don't know where she is sleeping, but it is not with me. Oddly, or maybe not oddly, I sleep better when she sleeps elsewhere because I don't have a cat pinning me down and preventing me from moving. But it bothers me, and she knows it.

This morning, she did not even come running when I arose from bed. Ordinarily she comes meowing and making a big fuss over me even after sleeping on my all night. That is my cue to do the same to her. If I fail to make the fuss, she gets her feelings hurt and begins to withdraw from me.

I found her, after I arose, in the living room on the back of Penny's wingback chair. She spoke and I went over and petted her and talked to her profusely. But I have not yet done enough penance. When I left the room, she stayed. That is my cue to come back and make more of a fuss. She does not understand, however, that I have a job and that is why I leave the house every day. Cats. Can't live with them; can't live without them.

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