Thursday, October 10, 2019

Mid-week Slump

Like usual, I had a sinking spell Wednesday morning. The training plus the job plus getting up early every morning, start getting to me by mid week. I was stall swimming. I stall swam

300 medium paddles
200 small paddles
200 small paddles
total: 1,800 yards = 1,645 meters

Since John was out, I tapped out early and went home.

When I got home from work, I took a nap. I did not shuffle because I had a soreness just above my left Achilles. You know what they say: better sorry than safe. Seeing how I did two fourteen-milers within three days of each other, discretion was the better part of valor.

I did work out at Plate City. I pulled

One-armed bent row

10 X 40
8 X 45
8 X 45
8 X 45
8 X 45

Pull up

4,3,3, and then three singles with 7.5 pounds

Swim Pull

27 X 33
13 X 37.4
12 X 40.4
10 X 43.4

It was still a pretty good day. Thank you, Jesus.

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