Wednesday, October 30, 2019


By the grace of God, I had another good day of training, teaching, and cat loving Tuesday. It started at the pool with

12 X 100 @ 2:00
450 small paddles
total: 2,850 yards = 2,604 meters

I only shuffled 3.06 miles, but that brings me to 14.12 for the week. Then I went to Plate City. Because I am racing Saturday, I decided to do my leg workout along with my pull workout so that I can begin getting fresh for my 5K. I usually do legs on Wednesday and Saturday. Doing them on Tuesday gives me more time to taper. I hope to work lower body again Saturday afternoon when we get home from the race. I did six sets of squats, a set of reverse hypers, some leg curls, and one set of leg extensions. I also did six sets of one-armed bent rows and some rotator cuff work. 

It was a good day. Thank you, Jesus.

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