Monday, December 21, 2020

12/14 - 12/20

I seem to be faltering. Finally off work, I thought I'd be training like a madman. The reality, however, is that I'm training like a sane man. Where is the madness? Monday I started pretty well with a 5.09 mile run, and 2,056 meter swim, and a strong session at the gym. But Tuesday I reduced the roadwork to 2.27 miles while swimming more (2,833 meters) and lifting furiously.

Wednesday I did not run at all. I did, however, swim 3,107 meters and do a real leg session at Plate City. Thursday I shuffle a nominal 2.35 miles, but swam a Beets-beating 3,473 meters, and lifted some more. It wasn't all light effort stuff, as you can see. I swam a lot. In fact, that is all I did Friday, swim. I wracked up 4,935 meters in the pool. That is getting close to Chicot-level training. 

Saturday I capped the week off with nothing more than a Plate City session. It was a good session, but no swimming and no running. Thus for the week, I

ran 9.71 miles,

lifted weights five times, 

swam 16,404 meters, and

cycled 44:45 minutes on the stationary.

That is not a bad week, just not a good one. It is a good one in the water, but the run is woefully inadequate. Nevertheless, thank you, Jesus, for health and energy and opportunity to do what I did.

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