Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Big Two

I had to make a trip to Moorhead the first thing Monday morning so my workouts were delayed. I got into the little pool after lunch and swam

2,500 46:10 (1:50)
500 for time 7:50 (1:33)
300 small paddles
350 for time 5:30 (1:34)
400 small paddles
total: 4,050 yards = 3,701 meters

The 500 was the first one I had swum since the Senior Olympics in early April. That is about the same time I was swimming in practice before the meet. In the event, I hit 7:08. I did the 350 for time so I would have an idea for a push off time if I do a set of those in the future.

I waited to run until 6:30 because it was pretty warm. Actually, this has been the coolest summer I can remember. We have only hit 90 degrees a handful of times, but Monday was in the handful. I did 5.14. I plan to go easy the next two days because I hope to run to Hillbilly Heaven on the 4th.

When I got done with the run, I did a tiny bit of weight work. Two sets of light squats at only three reps each may not be much, but it has to be a million times better than nothing. I drug the sled a little bit, 180 feet, with a 25 pound plate in it. I'm still experimenting. I need to go a little heavier for walking. Empty is just fine to pull it while shuffling.

Besides all that, I started summer school. I was supposed to be off this summer. Maybe next year. There was some doubt as to whether the class would make or not. It made. I would have been alright if it did not make, but I'm OK working. The class doesn't meet until 10:15. That will give me time to get my devotions in, my swim done, and some money made by midday.

Thank you, Jesus.

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