Sunday, July 5, 2020

Saturday Coasting

Saturday was one of those day that I not only took some pressure off the accelerator, but I removed my foot from it completely and just coasted for the day. Why not? it was the fourth of July.

I got the day started right by sleeping late. Then the coffee was good. Currently I am on a restricted two cup maximum. That is working out for me really well.

I thought about swimming, but that seemed like too much effort. I did drive to Twin Rivers to deliver my raffle tickets and money. By the way, did I ask any of you to purchase a ticket? The answer is no. I ask ONE time of year for people to give. That is during my Chicot swim. I ask people to give to the Diabetes Foundation of Mississippi. For the Twin Rivers annual raffle, I buy the tickets myself and put a poor friend's name on them. Maybe he will win one day.

Simon came over and worked on the gate further increasing our security from Randy Beets as well as our privacy. I hated for him to work on the fourth, but it was his choice. I did not know he was coming until I saw him in the backyard.

I did take a short shuffle going an easy 2.3 miles. Then I did some work at Plate City. I hit the legs only a little bit with one set of squats and one set of leg presses. I also did two sets of light farmer's walks. A set is now defined and as two times 85 feet. That is the width of the backyard at the Hideout minus the room to start/stop/and turn around with the implements.

Penny and I then went to Hillbilly Heaven. I ate too much and took some naps. It was a nice day. Thank you, Jesus.

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