Friday, August 16, 2019

Fourth Day Back at Work

It makes me wonder how I ever did it.  But I once wore a young man's shoes. Now, the week before classes start when we have to work every day from 8:00 until 5:00, I am dying from exhaustion. Yeah, yeah, I know, cry you a river. I just might.

I was supposed to meet John at the pool at 6:00 a.m. Of course he was late. I swam

12 X 50 medium paddles @ 1:21
2 X 100 small paddles
2 X 100 large paddles
100 small paddles
total: 2,100 long course meters

After work, I waited a little while for the sun to sink a little lower in the horizon. I can take the heat now and a 6:30 sun. So that's what I did, I went out the front door with my running shoes on at 6:30 making it up as I went. I wanted to run at least four mile maybe six depending on how the legs felt. They didn't feel great, but they felt good enough for me to shuffle 7.3 miles. That takes me up to 23.8 for the week.

This running, I think I know, is why I have been struggling in the pool. I have somewhat adjusted to getting up every morning, but when I get in the water, I don't want to do anything. The inner drive is just not there. The reason for that is running is sapping my energy and drive thus I have had a lot of bad swims lately. I know, I know, any swim is a good swim. But some swims are more gooder than others. I miss the more gooder swims.

All in all, it was a good day. Thank you, Jesus.

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