Sunday, August 11, 2019


John and I were supposed to meet at the pool at 8:00 a.m. He called about 7:00 and said he was too tired to have a go. I was glad. Being tired myself after a banner week of training, I was ready to take it easy. I drank coffee, studied for Sunday's sermon, and did not miss the swimming at all.

Forrest and I were supposed to ride, but he backed out also. I was not sorry. I went out for a short, slow run. I did 1.58 miles, just enough to shake the legs out a little. Without going back over all my records, this might have been my first six days of running in one week in at least two and a half years. Maybe the frequency will help me out.

Later, I went to Plate City. Like the running, I did not want much, just a bit. I did some rotator cuff work, a single set of squats, and some reverse hyper stuff. Then I went inside and took it easy the rest of the day.

Thank you, Jesus.

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