Thursday, August 1, 2019


I was a bit tired after Tuesday's big run so I dragged into Twin Rivers at 7:30. John was late too. At the pool, I swam

1,400 31:28
7 X 100 @ 2:15
200 small paddles
total: 2,300 long course meters

I did not run because I had a small discomfort in my right foot. Better sorry than safe right? Well, something like that. I did go to Plate City for the first time this week. I did lots of stuff. On the bench I noticed my strength had dropped. Small wonder considering how many workouts I have missed lately. I pressed

10 X 95
6 X 115
3 X 135
2 X 140
1 X 145
1 X 150

I pulled the sled some and even did some squats although my legs were really washed out. I hate to miss full weeks at a time on leg work or any work. You can't make progress that way and although the leg work was slight, I feel that a little bit is a million times better than nothing.

It was a good day made better by the fact that I finished summer school. Now I get a whole week off. I shouldn't complain. I get paid extra to teach in the summer, and I only had six students which made grading really easy. Thank you, Jesus.

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