Friday, August 2, 2019


I was supposed to meet John at the pool at 7:00 a.m. I started swimming at 7:30. See how I have let him affect me? He showed up twenty minutes later. I swam

200 small paddles
10 X 100 @ 2:12
1000 of 50s with various paddles
total: 3,000 long course meters

Notice I cut three seconds off the 100s, and I did ten of them. Now I am moving in the right direction.

Later in the afternoon, I went out for a run in an attempt to finish my twenty miles for the week. I needed 6.4. The temp was 90F, and once more I shuffle through pathetically. But I did it completing my sixth consecutive week at twenty miles or more. Now for BBB.

Later still I went to Plate City. For the first time in weeks, I did some real upper back work. That stuff is important for swimmers to maintain healthy shoulders. When everything is done on the front side, i.e. swimming, bench pressing, typing, etc, the shoulders begin to round forward pulling the humorous out of place leading to impingement. I did seated rows, lat pull downs, curls, rotator cuff work, pull ups, and swim pulls. It was nice to lift two days in a row. I hope now to make that three.

Thank you, Jesus, for a good, full day.

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